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Saturday, September 10, 2005 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (rain or shine)
The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution will hold an open house on Saturday, September 10, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in honor of its 75th anniversary. This is WHOI's first open house in 25 years. Both the Woods Hole and Quissett campuses will be included, with shuttle buses running between them.
Parking will be available on the Quissett Campus and in the village lots of various Woods Hole research institutions.
Open house features include robotic vehicles, the coastal research vessel Tioga, scientific exhibits and demonstrations, a just-published book on the institution's history, and 20 talks on subjects ranging from right whales and red tides to coastal erosion and archaeological mapping in Greek waters. An incomplete list of open house components (more are being added) appears below.
» For more information, please contact the Information Office (, (508) 289-2252).
Tour the Campuses
Food dyes added to water on a rotating table in the Rinehart Coastal Research Laboratory represent water from different depths, to model how vortices form around seamounts. (Photo by Tom Kleindinst)
A ring road around the outside of this campus was constructed recently, and two new laboratory buildings that have gone up over the last year are in the final stages of construction. The new walkway between these buildings will be open.
Exhibits at the McLean Laboratory will include samples of rock and sediment collected from the seafloor around the world, pottery glazes made from these sediments, and selections from the WHOI Archives. The National Ocean Sciences Mass Spectrometer Facility (NOSAMS), which serves the U.S. science community with carbon-14 dating of marine samples, will open to visitors
The Fye Laboratory will feature a facility concerned with oil spill and other research.
The Rinehart Coastal Research Laboratory will be running flumes that scientists use to simulate coastal conditions and observe their effects.
The Institution’s largest building, the Clark Laboratory, will offer poster displays and exhibits, including 3-D visualization of the seafloor and an exhibit of historic oceanographic instruments assembled by the U.S. Navy Museum using instruments from the WHOI Archives. The Northeast National Ion Microprobe Facility, which undertakes geochemical analysis of seafloor rocks and other samples, will be open to visitors. Talks are scheduled every half hour beginning at 10:30 a.m. in Clark 507.
Lunch will be available for purchase from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Fenno House, the original, but recently expanded, summer house on the Fenno estate.
SeaBED, an automomous underwater vehicle. (Photo by Tom Kleindinst)
The Information Office at 93 Water Street will be open to assist open house visitors, and the WHOI Exhibit Center on School Street will offer displays on the submersible Alvin, deep-sea hydrothermal vents, Titanic, and other subjects. The newly published, 75th anniversary, 184-page history of WHOI called Down to the Sea for Science will be available for purchase, and author Vicky Cullen will sign copies from 1:30 to 2:30 following her talk on WHOI history..
The Redfield Laboratory auditorium will be the site of 10 talks beginning at 10:30 a.m. and scheduled every half hour. A microbiology laboratory will be open for visits.
Video of at-sea operations will be shown in the conference room off the lobby of the Smith Laboratory on Water Street, and there will be exhibits of a variety of oceanographic instruments and vehicles.
A tent on the WHOI pier, next to the Smith Laboratory, will house posters and exhibits explaining deep-sea exploration vehicles, fish ecology, and other subjects. Instruments and exploration vehicles will be shown on the pier and in the Iselin Building high bay.
The Woods Hole post office will have a table in the tent from 10 a.m. to noon for a special postal cancellation designed for this occasion. Outgoing mail can be stamped, and envelopes, postcards, and stamps will be available for purchase to take advantage of the cancellation.
Visitors may walk through the Bigelow Laboratory, the Institution’s first building, which is currently occupied by staff of the Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering Department.
The aquarium of the National Marine Fisheries Service Woods
Hole laboratory, at the west end of Water Street, will be open from 11 a.m.
to 4 p.m.
75th Anniversary Open House Committee Members
Rick Chandler, Chair Mike Carlowicz Cyndy Chandler Hovey Clifford Christina Cuellar Vicky Cullen Shelley Dawicki Dave Derosier Ann Devenish Penny Foster |
George Hampson Kira Pratt Marga McElroy Sandy Murphy Lisa Raymond Lesley Reilly Mary Schumacher Janis Umschlag Eileen Wicklund |