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Employee Portrait Gallery — Barbara Gaffron

Employee Portrait of the Week - Barbara Gaffron

Barbara stood the 8-12 watches with then-new Joint Program graduate Sophie Wacongne as Moana Wave did CTD stations every 50 miles across much of the Pacific Ocean in 1989. “Every evening at sunset I would go up to the bridge and do a small watercolor of the sunset,” Barbara says. This one was done on April 14, the day Ray Montgomery’s ashes were committed to the sea. Barbara sent it to Ray’s wife, Polly, who loaned it for this scan. At the commitment of his ashes in the area where Ray Montgomery and colleagues discovered the equatorial undercurrent in 1952, Chief Scientist Harry Bryden concluded his remarks by saying, “According to his wishes, we put Raymond Montgomery into the tropical Pacific Ocean so that he can continue his long association with the sea and become one with the currents that he studied throughout his life.”
















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